Comedy check: did I laugh? Yes. A lot? Not really. The problem with The Rocker is mainly that every beat is as predictable as the last. There's nothing unexpected to the humor in The Rocker. And the trials and tribulations of the protagonist's mediocre band are as old and tired as a VH1: Behind the Music rerun. The only unique thing about this band is the old guy playing drums. And Rainn Wilson was miscast in his role. He seemed blatantly out of place as the has been wannabe black sheep drummer uncle. I don't want to typecast the guy into his Office persona: Dwight Schrute, but it's clear this direction was not the way to go. Chalk Emma Stone, who was so good in her supporting role in Superbad, up to miscasting as well. Her character's meant to be an awkward-friend-outcast, but Stone's clearly gorgeous and charismatic and eminently noticeable to everyone but supposed teen heartthrob and singer Teddy Geiger. Geiger's as dull as a doornail and must cop to the easily most cliched and boring character. Bright spot - Wilson chasing down his fleeing former bandmates on foot as they make their getaway in a van. An inspired comedic moment that only made the subsequent lack more apparent. Bright spot - Josh Gad as Wilson's awkward nephew. Gad's performance is genuine in a movie reeking of artifice.
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