It seems that Quantum of Solace adds up to little more than action filler in between Casino Royale and the next installment of the series. It's an entertaining film, but doesn't pack any of the same emotional payoff as it's most recent predecessor. There is little for Daniel Craig as Bond to do except scowl, punch, drive, shoot, and ruminate in his anger. The film opens with a car chase and doesn't allow the audience a chance to breathe for about 20 or so minutes. And then there's a break that serves only to take us to another action sequence. I'm not naive. The Bond franchise is an action franchise. It obviously has to up the action ante as the sequel to the excellent Casino Royale. At least make the bigger and longer sequences memorable. Save for each of the sequence's finales (and the entire desert hotel sequence), there was little to latch onto. The editing, although certainly less frantic than the Bourne franchise, was too chaotic and quick to follow well during the film's first act. It seems like a lot of grumbling from someone who actually enjoyed the movie. Daniel Craig as Bond, even given very little to do, is still an interesting hero. Judi Dench does well in her small role to create a useful character behind the scenes. But let's go ahead and point out that Mathieu Amalric is not a intimidating villain. Until he and Bond duke it out in the climatic hotel fire, I barely noticed him. It's a waste of a fine actor. And the bond girls - there are really only two. One is barely a hiccup in the plot, though her death does create some danger surrounding Mathieu Amalric's evil-doer. Olga Kurylenko is not up to acting snuff as Bond's revenge-hungry cohort. She's not bad persay, but is certainly a big step down from Eva Green's wonderful work in Casino Royale. A fun, disposable film that leads me to hope for more for Mr. Bond to do in all follow-ups. And he doesn't have to driving or piloting to keep my interest. A pistol and too deadly fists will do more to keep my attention.
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