Monday, March 5, 2007

Stranger Than Fiction (2nd Viewing)

I've recently had this awakening to the fact that it is impossible to duplicate the feelings of a first viewing of a film in the theater upon seeing that same film again (and again and again and again...). I felt the difference with my second viewings of Stranger Than Fiction and Children of Men. This is a bit frustrating because my intitial experiences of the films were some of the best of my life. And the second viewings weren't bad by any means. The films are still wonderful and amazing, but the "magic" is fading. The elation I felt leaving the theaters after my first viewing of the films is gone.

Good news: my parents liked the movie. This was pleasantly surprising. I had wondered if Stranger than Fiction was too "weird" for them. I asked my mom about that and she said that I've gotten her more used to "weird" movies over the years. So, kudos to me and my mom.

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