Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Marie Antoinette

This is not for history buffs. The inaccuracies will bug the hell out of them. But, you know what? Get over it. It's a character piece. It captures feelings of real people during real events. I don't think Coppola has ever claimed that she was trying to tell it like it was. I think she was aiming for what it could have been. And that's fine. That's good even. Because it works on that account. Kirsten Dunst has never been my favorite actress, but I think she breaks a bit of ground with this film. In between her usual Dunstisms, she believably portrays a teenager obsessed with "things" (i.e. - owning them) and the pressures of fulfilling the expectations of an entire country (which she doesn't). Jason Schwartzman steals the show with his understated humor. He's hilariously awkward, a teenager that happens to be king. Complaints could be made about the contemporary music being inserted into the period film, but you just have to get over it. Toss yourself in and submerse until you're breathing the movie like air. It's a fun time. It's a good film.


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